Behind the Screen: Meet Elyssa, AmDee’s Project Manager

In our last installment of Behind the Screen, we introduced you to our Marketing Coordinator, Elena. Today we’re meeting our Project Manager, Elyssa!

Screen Shot 2016-08-31 at 11.02.07 AMMeet Elyssa Respaut, AmDee’s Project Manager. She is a native New Yorker, currently residing in New York City.

With a touch of OCD, Elyssa plans and organizes everything in her life. Thus making her career with AmDee a perfect fit. She loves managing projects and team members by keeping them organized and on track. A motto she tries to live by is a place for everything and everything in its place.

In addition to her passion for organization, Elyssa loves animals! She’s had a rabbit, guinea pigs, and rescue dogs throughout her life. She’s also an outdoors enthusiast; enjoying day hikes, snowboarding and bicycle rides. She especially finds happiness in exploring unknown areas of the world. In 2015 Elyssa decided to channel her passion for adventure and cycling. This gave birth to an epic, multi-month bicycling trip across America.

On May 9th, 2016 Elyssa and Chip, her trusty bike, started her route in Yorktown Virginia.  She met up with 2 other cyclists on May 10th and they placed their rear tire in the Atlantic, a bicycle tradition for this route, and pedaled away from the East Coast.

Elyssa's Cross Country Bike Adventure

Putting the back tire of her bike, Chip, in the Atlantic to start Elyssa’s Cross Country Bike Adventure!

78 days, 10 states and 4,500 miles later the trio arrived at the edge of the Pacific, in Astoria, Oregon. Pictures at the Maritime Museum commemorated the official end of the Trans-American route.

If you were a fly on the wall during this trip, you would hear Elyssa often proclaim, ‘I hate hills!’ She’s excited to be off the bicycle, at least for a little while, while she moves out and sets up her new home in Oregon.

Did you do anything fun this summer? Tweet us @AmDeeLLC and let us know!

behind the scenes
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Elena S.

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Amar T.

Amar is the president and co-founder of AmDee. He has been an industry leader in accessibility compliance—auditing and remediating websites, publishing articles, delivering presentations to national audiences, and training content editors and developers in accessibility best practices.

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