5 ideas for creating interactive media

Today many visitors want a website that encourages them to do more than sit back and read. They wish to connect with content and they find exploring the site more stimulating. Studies confirm that people respond better to media they can interact with. In fact Demand Metric’s research shows that interactive content doubles visitor spending. But there’s no need to go back in time and have an entire flash site.

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To take advantage; a roundup of the top 5 interactive content examples to enliven your user’s website experience:

1. Include an Interactive Map

If your organization has many branches consider giving visitors an interactive map. Take a look at how well Britain’s Royal National Lifeboat Institutions uses this device. Their lifeboat launch map shows their stations and a click on the station name displays a photo. This is much more interesting than a list of recently launched lifeboats. Could you adapt this concept to display your organization’s activities?

Britian's Royal National Lifeboat Institutions launch map


2. Make the Most of Videos

Your nonprofit wants to tell visitors your story. Unfortunately the ‘about us’ sections tend to be among the least interesting. Many users lack the patience to read large blocks of text. While it helps to break up the text with catchy headings, it is even better to present this information in a short video. For an excellent example of how such videos work, take a look at the “About” page of World Wide Fund.

WWF About us video


3. Provide an Entertaining Quiz

Everyone enjoys a quiz, and visitors to nonprofit websites are no exception. A quiz both entertains and communicates important information about the organization’s activities. The quiz might feature celebrity supporters, local events, or the organization’s history. For an inspiring example, see how the Blue Society makes a quiz a focal point of their website.

Epilepsy Foundation social media page


4. Encourage Visitor Participation

Websites allow members to exchange information and get mutual support. They also let the general public have their say by submitting questions and comments. A lively online blog offers a good forum for discussions, but it is not enough. The website also needs social media links to encourage more visitor participation. The “Get Social” page of the Epilepsy Society shows how easy it is to encourage social media activity by including links as well as current hashtags used by the organization.

Blue Society quiz interactive


5. Add Animations

Animations and GIFs are more than good entertainment. Consider how nonprofits can use them to communicate their mission. Visitors sometimes become numbed to real life images that aim to shock them into action. In contrast animations or a GIF can put the same message in a more pleasing manner. For some great ideas on how to use website videos have a look at the “Ten Top Charity Animations” on Motional’s website.


Boost your website appeal with interactivity

Content users can interact with can definitely enhance website appeal. There is no need to spend a fortune to integrate interactive elements. You have many of the materials in your archive. It takes some thought and a little technical skill but the rewards make it well worthwhile.


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Amar T.

Amar is the president and co-founder of AmDee. He has been an industry leader in accessibility compliance—auditing and remediating websites, publishing articles, delivering presentations to national audiences, and training content editors and developers in accessibility best practices.

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