“Find & Fix” Accessibility Maintenance Subscription

AmDee Finds & Fixes Your Website’s ADA Noncompliant Issues

Website accessibility is not static. It is quite dynamic, like your website. Once your website is developed or content is updated, its accessibility must be maintained as well. Your site may be fully accessible and in ADA Section 508 compliance on launch day, but as the content is updated or changed the compliance of the website may also be altered.

With the AmDee Accessibility Maintenance Subscription, you can be confident that your website keeps its accessible status.

Through automated testing, AmDee not only identifies any noncompliant errors but also promptly addresses them. **

**For new clients noncompliant errors make take more than a 1-month cycle to be repaired depending on the severity and level of effort needed to repair them. During the initial assessment, we will provide a timeline for all repairs.

In the event that your website is cited as inaccessible, by subscribing to the AmDee Accessibility Maintenance service, you’ll have the documentation to prove to a regulatory body that your organization has consistently attempted to maintain an accessible website.

The Accessibility Monthly Maintenance Subscription includes:

  • Customized report for your organization, nonprofit or company.
  • An automated scan of every page of your website to ensure accessibility compliance.
  • Identify and repair accessibility issues such as:
    • Color Contrast issues
    • Images with appropriate alt text
    • Check for internal and external broken links
    • Heading tag hierarchy
    • List of noncompliant PDFs
  • Report on our monthly findings including issues found and the solutions we implemented.

To meet WCAG guidelines, any video or audio content that is uploaded to the website should have transcriptions. Transcriptions improve SEO, enhances UX and are essential for accessibility compliance.  AmDee offers this additional service at an additional per minute cost.

The “find and fix” maintenance package is a standalone package starting at $500 a month depending on the size of your website.

To get in touch with our sales team fill out the form below.

  • Please link to the website you are inquiring about.